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Welcome to Leicestershire SACRE

I would like to welcome you to the website of the Leicestershire SACRE. As you will see the SACRE is made up of a variety of people representing different faiths and beliefs.

The SACRE includes representatives of different faiths and beliefs, County Councillors practising and retired teachers and Headteachers, and representatives of Leicester Diocese. Our aim with this website is for it to be useful to teachers and other staff who lead RE in schools.

We aim to make it a place where you can find useful information. If you have found something you have found useful that we can signpost here, do get in touch.


To purchase the locally agree syllabus please visit: Leicestershire Agreed RE Syllabus – Leicester Diocesan Board of Education (

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    • Leicestershire SACRE

      County Hall,



      LE3 8RF

      01234 567890

      EMAIL US